Giving It Back to Kids 

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Giving it Back to Kids is a nonprofit organization dedicated to transforming lives through medical care, education, nutrition, and love. If you have a heart for “the less fortunate child” we can use your help.
You can be a part of change around the world, impacting children and ultimately improving lives for generations to come.

Contribute to GIBTK’s mission to help underprivileged children in Vietnam and Cambodia by making a donation by check, through our website by credit card or by PayPal. All financial contributions make a difference in the care that GIBTK is able to provide. All donations to the general fund go toward operational costs to keep our organization running and are used where the staff sees a need. Any donation that is earmarked for a specific project, medical care, nutrition, education or housing projects, will go directly toward the project of your choosing.

Spread the Word
Tell your family and friends about GIBTK. Follow us on social media and share our posts. The success of our organization depends on the number of people behind the scenes funding our work and introducing others to the cause. Organize a presentation with your service club, religious organization, friends, or business associates to share GIBTK’s mission with others in your life.

Volunteer to Hold a Fundraising Event
Organize an event to raise funds with your service club, religious organization, association, friends, or business associates. Encourage churches and youth groups in your community to have a car wash, yard sale, silent auction, or bake sale. Or, in lieu of gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, Bar or Bat Mitzvahs, ask that donations be made to Giving it Back to Kids. Robert and Tam often can come to speak. “Reach out to GIBTK staff for presentation inquires.”

Donate Services
If you have a gift for graphic design, writing, photography or other services that our organization could utilize, please reach out to our leadership to donate your time. This helps to ensure that all monetary donations can be directly spent on services for the children.

Seek In-kind Gifts
We welcome any donations of air travel (frequent flier miles), medical and dental supplies. Please contact us to describe your generous gift.

Donate Stock
Make a stock gift. There are many advantages to donating stock, such as avoiding paying capital gains taxes on appreciated securities and receiving a charitable income tax deduction equal to the fair market value if it has been held longer than one year.

Give at Your Workplace or Provide a Corporate Sponsorship
Ask your company to add us as a participating charity, or ask your company to sponsor one of our many projects. Reach out to our staff to see what is needed.

Help Us Connect to Grant Opportunities
Connect us with individuals, businesses, foundations, or organizations that might be interested in receiving grant applications for our work in healthcare, nutrition, education, and housing for poor children and their families.

Travel with Us to See and Help the Children
Come to Vietnam with us and experience the joy of making a difference first hand. Everyone is welcome to join us on a trip to Vietnam and Cambodia. All travelers are responsible for their own travel and lodging.

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