Boulevard Gelato & Coffee

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  1. Business Introduction

BOULEVARD PREMIUM GELATO trademark has been developed by BOULEVARD COMPANY LIMITED since 2014. We apply the principle of using our products’  nest quality to serve as the core of the brand value. Every single gelato batch undergoes three stringent processes before reaching the market. Firstly we select 100% natural raw ingredients of highest quality. Our gelato chefs with a total of 20 years’ experience develop the recipe for each of our ­avours and help implement the gelato batches. Finally, our quality control team will apply the food safety and taste assessment tests to ensure that the products achieve the highest hygiene standard before reaching the market. We aim that when we work with YOU to supply our gelato collection to your restaurants, hotels or resorts, our sheer commitment in making Italian gelato of  nest quality will further enhance the dining experience of your end customers, thereby contributing to the culinary reputation of your company. When de ning the premium value of our products, we insist on not using any chemicals, colorings or preservatives in the making of our gelato. Our ingredients are 100% natural and mostly sourced from Italy, France, Germany and local farms in Vietnam famed for producing particular farm products. With regard to technology, BOULEVARD’s Italian gelato chefs insist on using Italian artisanal machines reputed among artisan gelato chef community so that our gelato products achieve the best texture possible. We also commit on constant R&D process of creating new and exciting ­avours to further expand our diverse gelato collection. In addition to our focus on product quality, our company is committed to o€er great supplying and free delivering service so that you will have the best customer experience when buying products from us. We also provide free consultation on display and storing devices and organize free trainings for your sta€ with the aim to maximize the economic potential your business possibly can obtain from gelato and gelato-related desserts.

  1. Business Products or Services at the Christmas Market
  2. Gelato Scoop
  3. Gelato Box 100ml
  4. Gelato Durian Stick

  5. Business Giveaways for Lucky Draw / Live Auction

Boulevard offers an enticing gift of gelato for customers who participate in our lucky draw for a chance to win delightful gelato treats.

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